This statement is made on behalf of the Stampin’ Up! family of companies, including Stampin’ Up! UK Limited (henceforth referred to as “Stampin’ Up!”), in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Stampin’ Up!’s mission statement, called its Statement of the Heart, reads: “To love what we do and share what we love, as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments . . . in this, we make a difference.”
In accordance with its Statement of the Heart, Stampin’ Up! launched its Making a Difference program in 2003. This program facilitates corporate giving and promotes service among independent distributors (“demonstrators”) and employees. The Making a Difference program and Stampin’ Up!’s Statement of the Heart are two demonstrations of Stampin’ Up!’s values and the company’s commitment to bettering the lives of the people in the communities where it is active.
Stampin’ Up! is committed to ensuring that the way the company conducts business and deals with suppliers reflects the values of the company. Stampin’ Up! is committed to practices that combat modern slavery and human trafficking, and works with and encourages suppliers as they uphold the principles in this statement.
Stampin’ Up! Inc. is headquartered in Riverton, Utah, USA. The Stampin’ Up! family of affiliated companies also has a presence in the UK, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Stampin’ Up!’s products are sold through independent distributors following the home-party direct-selling model in these countries.
Stampin’ Up! is dedicated to maintaining a fair and ethical workplace for all employees. Stampin’ Up! prohibits the use of all forms of forced labour and any form of human trafficking.
Stampin’ Up! ensures compliance with all applicable employment legislation relating to employee recruitment and terms and conditions. No Stampin’ Up! UK staff are paid less than the local minimum wage. Stampin’ Up!’s UK employees may terminate employment by giving the required contractual notice.
As a distributor of rubber stamp and related cardmaking, scrapbooking, and craft supplies, Stampin’ Up! maintains an active supply chain. The company remains vigilant and monitors the level of risk involved with any supplier and will take appropriate measures if a higher risk of modern slavery is deemed to exist.
While many Stampin’ Up! products are manufactured by Stampin’ Up! Inc. in its Kanab, Utah, facility, some of Stampin’ Up!’s suppliers are located in countries that may be more vulnerable to human-rights abuses than others. Stampin’ Up! makes efforts to implement a zero- tolerance policy for such abuses. For example, Stampin’ Up! (i) clearly communicates its expectations to suppliers to ensure adherence of its values and ethical standards; (ii) establishes appropriate policies and processes within its businesses to make sure that the products it is selling meet the highest standards; (iii) utilises both internal and external resources to evaluate the factories of its suppliers and audit them against recognised industry standards; and (iv) requires compliance provisions and written commitment to upholding applicable laws regarding child labour, slavery, and human trafficking.
A key component of Stampin’ Up!’s commitment to preventing modern slavery in its supply chain is contained in Stampin’ Up!’s product supply agreements. Each of Stampin’ Up!’s product supply agreements include language that requires all suppliers to obey national and regional statutory requirements in the country in which they are operating, including any applicable national laws regarding human trafficking, forced labour and other forms of modern slavery.
This statement is provided on behalf of Stampin’ Up! in accordance with Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act of 2015 and constitutes Stampin’ Up!’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2022.